Sunday, March 1, 2009

Guideline of iPod Nano Gen 2 disassembly manual

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iPod Nano Gen 2 disassembly manual. These units are small and fragile so please use care when handling your unit. ALWAYS USE AN ANTI STATIC MAT AND ESD BRACELET TO AVOID DAMAGING YOUR LOGIC BOARD. BE SURE THE UNIT IS ON HOLD The battery is held in place with solder. We will not be covering soldering in this manual. is not responsible for any damage to you or your iPod caused if you attempt your own repairs.

This guide should serve only as suggestion. If you need a professional technician to install your parts please contact us at 1-888-IPOD-FIX or visit us at All repairs are performed at your own risk. Tools Needed Soft Tools – used to open the case without scratching. Available at Small Phillips head screwdriver ESD bracelet Anti Static Mat Removing the Top Bezel Be sure the Hold Switch is turned on.

You will see orange when you have the hold in the correct position. Using 1 soft tool wedge it into the side of the iPod. It is preferred to stay away from the hold switch and the headphone jack. Using a side to side motion, loosen the iPod while gently prying up and down. It will be held in place with adhesive and will require some pressure to remove it. Try to apply the pressure at the end away from the hold switch first! Removing the 2 top screws Use the Phillips head screw driver to remove these screws. Apply plenty of pressure or you may end up with a stripped screw and then you will have to get a screw out set (Craftsman makes a good one available at Sears!). Removing the bottom bezel Use the same method as you used for the top. It will come off with some work! Here you see we pry up on the end until we can loosen it free from the adhesive.

Remove the two screws from the bottom Removing the Headphone Plug Slide a flat tool under this plug and begin to slide it out. Be careful b/c it is still attached to the logic board at this point. It will come out as shown next. This is as much as you want to remove the headphone plug at this point. Remove the hidden screw under the headphone plug In this pic the screw is already removed, but the arrow indicates where it was located. Remove the Metal Protector Just use a flat tool to pry this piece out after the screws are out.

Download Free ebook Guideline of iPod Nano Gen 2 disassembly manual.Pdf

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